Won brings incredible believability to the film, at times saying very little, yet able to convey emotion with just a look, Won rightly deserved the best actor awards at the recent Grand Bell and Korean Film Award events earlier in 2010. Previously known for playing very soft and fragile characters ( Mother, Brotherhood), Won really does shine in this new harder role, a role which would usually belong in the domain of Korean megastar Lee Byung-hun (‘Bittersweet life’, ‘Iris’, ‘ I Saw the Devil‘). ‘Man From Nowhere’ stands out for various reasons but none more prominent than the ‘new’ Won Bin! Yeah that’s right – in my opinion ‘Man From Nowhere’ is better than the already excellent ‘Man on Fire’. What we have here is essentially a Korean version of The Denzel Washington Film ‘Man on Fire’ … but better! So in truth there really is nothing truly unique or original about the plot but given how difficult it seems these days for film makers to really break from the mould its not at all surprising. Tae-sik becomes enraged at the prospect that So-mi may already be dead and prepares for a battle, putting his own life at risk. When Hyo-jeong’s disemboweled body is discovered, Tae-sik realizes that So-mi’s life may also be in danger. The gang promises to release them if Tae-sik makes a delivery for them, however it is actually a larger plot to eliminate a rival drug ring leader. The traffickers find out about her smuggling and kidnap both Hyo-jeong and So-mi. Her mother, Hyo-jeong smuggles drugs from a drug trafficking organization and entrusts Tae-sik with the product, without letting him know. The lead character is so strong and invincible, but he doesn't care about glory.An ex-special agent Tae-sik Cha’s only connection to the rest of the world is a little girl, So-mi, who lives nearby. That's mostly because you know how the movie will progress and that steals a bit of the excitement.

The rewatch value is the only thing that is not a ten for me. The ending was a little different from what I expected but it was a good ending. Well, almost since I don't cry that easily. What a great plot! I was on the edge of my seat throughout the movie and the ending made me cry. And the man cannot be stopped! He's a freaking one-man army, who won't stop until he wants to. A man going all the way to save a little girl because she's his friend. It was thrilling and touching all at once.

He has done some really good movies and The Man From Nowhere is a great example of his less-in-quantity-more-in-quality movies. I mean, if we look at it statistically, Won Bin has barely done any dramas beyond the 90s and has only done a handful of movies but if you look out for best actors in Korea, his name tends to come on top. I've only watched him in a supporting role in Autumn in my Heart and while I thoroughly enjoyed his role, I always wondered what made him click so much with the Korean audience (and the audience all over the world, as a matter of fact). Rewatch Value 8.0 So I've been really curious about Won Bin all through this time while watching Korean dramas. Now, I think I'm going to go watch it again :D That's not something you can do easily in action movies:) This movie made me laugh, and made me cry. I haven't seen very many Korean movies, but I honestly believe he could be the best actor in Korea, and one of the best in the world. More than that, this movie would be nothing without her. I loved the little girl~! I couldn't help it. (though in my personal interest, Won Bin is quite a bit more attractive than Liam Neeson )) They both have a lot of fast-paced action, a sense of justice, a feeling of wanting to protect something important, and a seriously kick-ass hero to dish it out. In the beginning I kept thinking how this movie reminded me of the Hollywood movie "Taken". Now I feel EXTREMELY guilty that I was so hesitant to watch this movie. "Sunny" sounded ok, and "The Man From Nowhere" was even better still not quite what I wanted, but the options were starting to get pretty slim and since it was ranked #2, I decided to trust the statistics. I kept scrolling down and down but nothing really caught my eye. Originally, I was looking for a movie to watch to kill some time. It didn't bother me, but if you have a weak tolerance to these things, then this movie may not be very pleasant for you. Keep in mind, "The Man From Nowhere" has considerably more blood, gore, and violence than most movies.